
Captain America: Legacy, Part III

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Literature Text

Captain America: Legacy Part III




Daniel Kalban


Characters belonging to Marvel Comics


Story and Script Daniel Kalban



Captain America et al belongs

to Marvel Entertainment


















Page 1

Panel 1

The interior of an Army-Navy military surplus store. The glass of the front window is broken. The sound of an alarm blares throughout the building. We see Chris Simon’s new shadow on the wall.

Caption: Hells Kitchen

SFX: RING! RING! BRING! (sound effect occurs throughout pages 1 and 2)

Panel 2

Chris’ hands grab body armor and fatigues.

Panel 3

Chris’ hands grab several throwing knives

Panel 4

Chris’ hands grab brass knuckles.

Panel 5

Chris’ shadow shows him getting dressed. His torn hospital gown can be seen lying on a rack of military bric-a-brac.

Page 2

Panel 1

Full page panel of Chris looking very much like an urban assault commando, with a makeshift cloth mask tied around his eyes. He looks grim.

Page 3

Panel 1

The exterior of the Helicarrier

Nick Fury Jr.: (from inside) You have NO IDEA how pissed off I am about this!

Panel 2

We are in Fury’s office. Cap and Coulson stand on the other side of Fury’s desk. Fury is not happy. Not one bit. On a holoscreen is Chris taking down Fitz and Simmons.

Chris Simon: *on holoscreen* GET AWAY FROM ME!

Nick Fury Jr.: We got a teenager hopped up on Erskine’s lost formula running wild somewhere in New York, and you are telling me you can’t find him?!

Coulson: I got May and several agents looking for him, sir; we’ll bring him in.

Captain America: No, you won’t; he’s running on pure instinct. With his heightened senses, he’s going to know he's being trailed even without training.

Panel 3

Fury raises an eyebrow

Nick Fury Jr.: You are saying Erskine’s formula gave him skills?

Panel 4

Cap shakes his head

Captain America: No, sir. I’m worried that the possible mental instability has given him an unhealthy amount of paranoia. With respect, sir, we have no idea how Erskine’s formula could affect a teenager, let alone an adult.

Panel 5

Fury sits down, looking resigned

Nick Fury Jr.: I am well aware, Cap. I don’t like going after a kid, especially the son of an agent and brother of one who just died.

Coulson: It’s for his safety, Director Fury. SHIELD can train him.

Captain America: SHIELD will likely make him a lab rat.

Nick Fury Jr.: I would prefer the kid live a normal life, but that’s impossible, Cap; you know that.

Panel 6

Maria Hill enters as Fury keeps talking. She has a folder under her arm.

Nick Fury Jr.: I have to keep a permanent watch on his house now for his family’s safety. I don’t want Hydra near them….

Maria Hill: Director Fury, you need to see this.

Nick Fury Jr.: What is it, Agent Hill?



Page 4

Panel 1

Hill opens the folder

Maria Hill: Half an hour ago, NYPD found a group of youths beaten up in Chelsea. They described their attacker as a “teenager in military duds acting like he was Captain America.” Apparantly he accused them of assault and was there to deliver justice.

Panel 2

Fury, Coulson, and Cap look at each other.

Maria Hill: (off panel) They say he was insanely strong. They first thought he was on PCP, but his eyes looked more enraged than high. He then leaped up, from a standing position, up to a fire escape and headed south.

Panel 3

Cap looks at the folder

Captain America: *narrating* Those were the kids who were bullying him. Damn it, Chris…

Panel 4

Cap heads out

Captain America: I’ll head to the scene, see if I can find a clue. Keep me updated.

Nick Fury Jr.: Cap, you don’t have to—

Panel 5

Cap turns

Captain America: I promised Chris’ brother that I’d look out for him. That was his last request. I plan to do that. If your agents find him, inform me; I’ll talk him down.

Panel 6

Cap leaves

Panel 7

Coulson turns to Fury, who smirks

Coulson: You wanted him to do this.

Fury: Maybe….

Page 5

Panel 1

A warehouse overlooking the Hudson.

Panel 2

We see two drug smugglers bringing in their illegal goods. Sitting in a chair is a gang banger type, flanked by his two henchmen

Gangbanger: Let’s see a sample, Paco.

Panel 3

A smuggler brings forward a package of cocaine.

Panel 4

The gangbanger cuts it with a knife

Panel 5

He tastes it

Gangbanger: Excellent

Chris Simon: *off panel* Well that’s the last time you’ll have it, scumbag!

Page 6

Panel 1

They turn and see Chris standing on a rafter.

Gangbanger: Look at this mutha; thinks he’s some badass punk.

Panel 2

The gangsters aim their weapons at Chris

Gangbanger: Kill him.

Panel 3

Chris runs along the rafters as he is shot at.

Panel 4

He flips off the rafter, throwing a knife.

Panel 5

It stabs one of the smugglers in the shoulder.

Panel 6

The gangbanger fires

Gangbanger: He’s just a kid! He shouldn’t be hard to kill.

Page 7

Panel 1

Chris grabs a garbage can lid.

Panel 2

He throws it

Panel 3

It hits the gangbanger in the gut.

Gangbanger: OOF!

Panel 4

One of the drug runners manages to shoot Chris in the side

Chris Simon: AHH!

Panel 5

Chris throws a dagger

Panel 6

The dagger hits the drug runner in the shoulder.

Page 8

Panel 1

Chris puts on his brass knuckles

Panel 2

He charges, dodging the gun fire.

Panel 3

He delivers a vicious upper cut to one gun man….

Panel 4

…And a wicked cross to another

Panel 5

The gangbanger stabs Chris in the back

Panel 6

Chris turns, insane with anger.

Panel 7

He grabs the man by the lapels of his shirt

Panel 8

We see the shadow of Chris on the wall as he punches the man.

Page 9

Panel 1

Cap examines the Chelsea crime scene from the rooftops

Captain America: *narrating* Chris, what am I going to do? The formula is messing with your mind. You got powers that you can’t control. You’re so angry. Should I have listened to you?

Panel 2

Cap turns as he hears a voice.

Spider-Man: *off panel* I heard you were having a problem, Cap.

Captain America: How did you find out—

Panel 3

We see Spider-Man on a water tower

Captain America: --Spider-Man?

Spider-Man: Fury sent a message to all Avengers to keep out of the way. Need to talk?

Captain America: Why? It’s simple. Kid took unproven Super Soldier formula to prove it could work after I told him to not look into it; I need to clean up my mess.

Panel 4

Spider-Man leaps to the ground.

Spider-Man: See, I don’t think he’s insane. From what I was able to find out, I think the kid is grieving still. His brother just died, right?

Captain America: Yeah?

Panel 5

Close up on Spider-Man, we can see reflections of the night Ben Parker died in his eyes.

Spider-Man: I know something about kids lashing out after their loved ones die.

Page 10

Panel 1

Spider-Man takes off his mask

Peter Parker: It’s not chemicals, its emotions. The formula is just pushing all that grief to the forefront and he’s lashing out at those he thinks is responsible.

Captain America: And you know this because?

Peter Parker: Because I did a similar thing the night my uncle died. Unfortunately for him, he can’t take it out on who killed his brother; so he’s taking it out on crooks.

Captain America: And kids who bullied him.

Panel 2

Peter looks serious

Peter Parker: Cap, he needs someone to guide him in this. He needs you. You should train him.

Captain America: Are you serious? I don’t want another Bucky.

Peter Parker: I’m not cracking jokes, am I?

Panel 3

Peter lectures

Peter Parker: “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”. That was one of the last things my uncle told me. I should have listened to him then.

Captain America: Then you train him.

Peter Parker: Your responsibility, Cap….

Panel 4

Cap thinks.

Captain America: I don’t know.

Coulson: *on radio* Cap, come in.

Panel 5

Cap answers as Peter puts his mask back on.

Captain America: What is it, Agent Coulson?

Coulson: *on comm* Kid’s by the West Side docks. He was wounded going after some drug pushers.

Panel 6

Coulson overlooks an energy shield trapping Chris. Chris is holding his side in one hand and pounding the shield with another.

Coulson: *into comm* SHIELD has him trapped in a perimeter dome, but we can’t risk opening it and letting him escape. We need you to calm him down.

Page 11

Panel 1

Cap nods

Captain America: On my way.

Panel 2

He turns to Spidey

Captain America: I’ll think about it.

Spider-Man: Do, or do not, there is no try.

Panel 3

Cap raises an eyebrow

Captain America: Star Wars? Really?

Panel 4

Cap and Spidey face each other.

Spider-Man: Felt it worked in this situation. Remember, Cap; he needs guidance.

Captain America: I don’t want another Bucky.

Spider-Man: You did fine with Falcon.

Captain America: He was an adult.

Spider-Man: Oh right…

Panel 5

Spidey launches his web


Page 12

Panel 1

Full page panel as Spidey heads off

Spider-Man: Remember, Cap, With Great Power….

Panel 2

Inset as Cap waves

Captain America: …Comes Great Responsibility.

Page 13

Panel 1

Cap hops down to the street

Captain America: *narrating* He’s right. I’m responsible for Chris. I promised David. Chris came to me for advice, and I failed him.

Panel 2

Cap approaches his bike

Captain America: *narrating* Time to make this right. If it means training him--

Panel 3

Cap roars off

Captain America: *narrating* --I’ll put him through boot camp!

Panel 4

Chris pounds the energy bubble

Chris Simon: GRAH! LET ME OUT!

Panel 5

Fitz and Simmons approach Coulson

Fitz: Sir, if he keeps this up, he might actually hurt himself.

Simmons: And he’s wounded. He needs medical attention

Coulson: I know, but we don’t move until Cap gets here.

Panel 6

Cap pulls up

Captain America: I need to talk to Fury.

Page 14

Panel 1

Coulson gives Cap a radio.

Panel 2

Cap speaks into it.

Captain America: Fury….

Nick Fury Jr.: *on radio* Cap, what is it? Just deal with the kid!

Captain America: That’s the thing, sir. I should be in charge of him.

Nick Fury Jr.: *on radio* WHAT?!

Panel 3

Coulson and FitzSimmons look on as Cap speaks to Fury.

Captain America: He’s my responsibility, sir; I’ll train him, teach him to use his powers. Let him give a blood sample willingly when he’s ready. Just…don’t make him a lab rat. Let him become a hero.

Nick Fury Jr.: *on radio* Spider-Man ignored my orders, huh.

Captain America: Nothing gets pass you, sir.

Panel 4

Close up on Cap

Nick Fury: *on radio* *sigh* Fine. But we will keep watch on his family, and on his progress.

Captain America: Thank you, sir.

Panel 5

Cap tosses the radio to Coulson

Captain America: Lower the shield—

Panel 6

Cap approaches Chris

Captain America: --I’m going to have a talk with the young man.

Page 15

Panel 1

Fitz lowers the shield

Panel 2

Chris charges as Cap.

Panel 3

Cap blocks the punch with his shield

Captain America: Stand down, son.

Chris Simon: You are not my dad!

Panel 4

Cap blocks Chris’ kick

Captain America: No, but I promised your brother I’d look after you.

Chris Simon: Well he’s dead, so you can forget about it.

Panel 5

Captain America puts Chris into a hold

Captain America: It was his last wish. Besides, I should have listened to you.

Chris Simon: Yeah, you should have.

Panel 6

Chris head butts Cap

Chris Simon: But I don’t need protecting now.

Page 16

Panel 1

Chris punches Cap

Chris Simon: I’m strong—

Panel 2

He kicks Cap

Chris Simon: --I’m fast and I’m—

Panel 3

Cap trips Chris

Captain America: Out of control.

Panel 4

Chris tackles Cap

Chris Simon: SHUT UP!

Panel 5

Cap flips Chris

Page 17

Panel 1

Cap pins Chris down with his shield

Captain America: Chris, listen to me. You are mourning your brother and you are lashing out. Breaking into your mom’s lab, injecting yourself, beating up your bullies, us fighting; all of it is because you are grieving. We both know this is not you.

Panel 2

Close up on Chris as Cap delivers the coup de grace. He is angry.

Captain America: *off panel* We know David would be disappointed in you.

Panel 3

Chris looks ashamed.

Panel 4

Cap helps Chris up

Panel 5

Cap comforts Chris

Chris: What happens to me now?

Captain America: Funny that you mention that….

Page 18

Panel 1

Baron Zemo sits on his throne as Armin Zola stands before him

Captain America: *narrating* …I have a few ideas.

Baron Zemo: An absolute failure, Zola; a complete farce.

Armin Zola: Well, we now know it works.

Baron Zemo: Oh, like that is supposed to make me happy.

Panel 2

Zola grins

Armin Zola: Herr Baron, zis is a minor setback.

Baron Zemo: *off panel* A minor setback? Crossbones is in prison, the formula is burned up, and we have NOTHING!

Panel 3

Zemo angrily gets up from his throne

Baron Zemo: Give me one reason to not disintegrate you!

Panel 4

Zola still grins

Armin Zola: The boy lives. If we can get a blood sample from him, I can reverse engineer it. I was always smarter than that Jew Erskine.

Panel 5

Close up on the Baron

Barona Zemo: Then why was he able to come up with three serums, and you’ve come up with none.

Panel 6

Zola frowns as Zemo leaves the room.

Page 19

Panel 1

Coulson is reporting to Fury

Coulson: --Simmons is testing Chris’ blood sample right now. She says that she might be able to get some components, but it might be years before we get even an approximation of Erskine’s formula.

Nick Fury Jr.: How did Cap get Chris to willingly give a sample?

Coulson: As a measure of good faith, sir.

Panel 2

Fury rubs his temples

Nick Fury Jr.: Right….

Coulson: *off panel* Should I keep up the watch on the Simons?

Nick Fury Jr.: Yes. We don’t want Hydra using them as leverage. How are the preparations on Cap’s new gym?

Panel 3

Coulson consults a tablet

Coulson: Should be done by tomorrow. Training will start the next day.

Nick Fury Jr.: Thank you, Coulson; that will be all.

Panel 4

Coulson leaves.

Panel 5

Fury thinks.

Panel 6

Fury presses a comm

Nick Fury Jr.: Agent Hill, get me the file marked “Avengers Next Generation” please.

Page 20

Panel 1

Steve Rodgers and Chris Simon approach a nondescript warehouse in Red Hook.

Caption: Red Hook

Chris Simon: We’re going to train here?

Steve Rodgers: Had SHIELD make it to my specifications.

Panel 2

Steve opens the door

Chris Simon: Whoa.

Panel 3

It is a fully equipped gym with weights, gymnastic equipment, treadmill, martial arts area, etc

Chris Simon: All of this for me?

Steve Rodgers: For now. I’ll be using it when you’re in school.

Chris Simon: Yeah, it was awkward trying to explain what happened.

Steve Rodgers: Get changed.

Panel 4

A little while later, Chris is stretching in a tank top and shorts as Steve waits

Chris Simon: So, when am I going into the field?

Steve Rodgers: Not until I and Fury approve of you doing so.

Chris Simon: Oh, come on….

Steve Rodgers: And you will do what I say, Bucky.

Panel 5

Chris is appalled

Chris Simon: Please don’t tell me I’m going to be a Bucky…..

Panel 6

Steve smirks

Steve Rodgers: Obey my orders, and you won’t have to be.

Page 21

Panel 1

Chris stands at attention

Steve Rodgers: Stand at attention, soldier. If you’re going into war, I need to know you are highly trained.

Panel 2

Close up on Chris, trying to look serious.

Steve Rodgers: *off panel* Not to mention, we need to make sure you got a handle on your powers.

Panel 3

Steve gets up close in Chris’ face

Steve Rodgers: I expect you give this training your full effort, along with your school work. I will pick you up from school every day for training. Is that clear.

Chris Simon: Sir, yes sir!

Panel 4

Both have serious looks on their faces

Panel 5

They crack up, laughing.

Panel 6

Steve ruffles Chris’ hair

Steve: C’mon, kid—

Page 22

Full page panel as the training begins

Steve Rodgers: *narrating* --We got work to do.


Part I:
Part II: Captain America: Legacy, Part II

Chris Simon is running around New York, newly empowered by Erskine's lost serum and in a rage. It's up to a conflicted Captain America to bring him in. But will the words of a surprise guest star show him another way?

I hope you've enjoyed this three parter. I might do a sequel some day :)

Story, Script, and Chris Simon belongs to me
Captain America and related characters belong to Marvel Comics
© 2014 - 2024 Dkalban
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Kmon13's avatar
Wow it ended well ....